2016 Frederick Nonprofit Summit

Based on the bestselling book Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, keynote speaker SUSAN HEATH HAYS introduced tools designed to help make positive organizational changes. Ms. Hays, who has more than 20 years of experience building individual and organizational capacity, discussed the two different systems that psychologists have determined rule the mind – the rational mind and the emotional mind – and how these compete for control. The Heath’s research delves into why lasting change is hard to come by, and provides techniques that will make change successful with positive, and often dramatic, results.

Susan Heath Hays, Keynote Speaker
Susan Heath Hays, Keynote Speaker

Attendees learned concepts for affecting change, and through group exercises, practiced the techniques during the event. All attendees also received a complimentary copy of the book, and book club meetings were organized as a follow-up to the event for attendees to discuss their progress and share ideas and successes.

Photos & Highlights

Past Event Highlights