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Darryus Johnson

Director of Membership at Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Darryus Johnson joined the Maryland Nonprofits staff in April 2013. He manages all customer retention activities and takes initiative in customer satisfaction via process improvement plans and efficient reporting and flow of information. He acts as a “first-responder” handling feedback from customers, advocating their concerns, resolving and escalating as needed. He develops an understanding of member issues, offers suggestions and identifies alternatives and develops unique solutions. He also maintains database information as well as assists members with using fundraising databases.

Before Maryland Nonprofits, Johnson worked for the MVA, Air Tran Airways, and Danya International. Johnson’s work as a Communications Coordinator for Danya International and as a flight attendant for Air Tran Airways afforded him the opportunity to support global as well as domestic business operations, and to work with all levels of employees, from frontline staff to executive leadership.

Darryus Johnson participated in the 2023 Nonprofit Summit as an afternoon panelist.