Shawnta Jackson, MPH

Cause Engagement Associates, Chief Executive Associate

Since 2009, Shawnta Jackson has worked with organizational leaders and their teams across the United States in the areas of strategy, stakeholder and community engagement, mixed-methods research and evaluation, and dissemination.

As a consultant, Shawnta has worked both independently and in partnership to support boards, committees, and leaders across various sectors. Her assistance spans organizational, programmatic, operational, engagement, and evaluation strategies. This includes offering internal and community needs assessments, comprehensive planning and implementation support, creating strategic roadmaps, developing practical tools, providing capacity-building support, and delivering strategic coaching for individual leaders. Her clientele encompasses a broad range of projects, from multi-year federal-funded projects and health system place-based initiatives to engagements with statewide and national associations, as well as local and statewide coalitions focused on social justice and equity initiatives.

Shawnta is Founder & Chief Executive Associate of Cause Engagement Associates LLC. She holds a Master of Public Health degree in social and behavioral health from University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in public relations from Columbia College Chicago. She is originally from Las Vegas and lives in the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area with her son, Zachary. A fun fact about Shawnta is that she is the author of two self-help books.

Shawnta Jackson participated in the 2024 Nonprofit Summit as a breakout session presenter. Her breakout room topic was: Interorganizational Relationships: Ways to Work Together & Achieve Collective Impact.