HOWARD ROSS, Founder and Chief Learning Officer of Cook Ross, Inc., focused on “Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management” and explored the implications of “unconscious bias.” He discussed how it impacts daily decision making and the workplace. Traditionally, these decisions are considered conscious, but modern science is teaching that most decisions are based on the unconscious and rationalized afterwards. Mr. Ross provided tools to help create a workplace culture where hidden perceptions and patterns can be “unconcealed” and unbiased and positive directions can be achieved.

Attendees had the opportunity to select from three educational tracks. The tracks included how effective governance helps achieve organizational success and creative ideas for putting time and talents to work for maximum impact; the different life stages of organizations and leadership skills that will keep organizations healthy in each stage and the daily dance of staff management and board expectations; marketing and communication tips and resources for organizations with or without dedicated marketing staff and shoestring budgets.