Everyone has their own personal motivation, but successful collaboration – whether at the individual, team, or organizational level – sparks creative problem solving and powers value creation. On May 11th, the Nonprofit Summit gathered at New Spire Arts to break down the why, what and how of collaboration in the workplace and navigating those interpersonal relationships!

The morning started with a keynote presentation by Garrison Wynn. His talents had established him as a Fortune 500 leader and professional stand-up comedian, Garrison fused comic timing and research to deliver motivational expertise. Then, the afternoon included an interactive workshop led by Wendy Wolff, Patty Prasada-Rao, Darryus Johnson, and Nyah Vanterpool. Sessions included discussions of personal relationship styles; the art of recognizing different leadership styles and the impetus for each; behaviors and approaches for working with partners, colleagues, and constituents; teambuilding; relationship/conflict management; and effectively piloting in the intergenerational workplace.
Touching Lives Award Ceremony
Over lunch, the 2023 Nonprofit Summit hosted the Touching Lives Award Ceremony for the first time.